The trick to removing my false eyelashes applied with the ZARULI solution in 30 seconds and without pain

The huge advantage of the ZARULI system is that it is painless and respectful of the health of your natural eyelashes.

When I say respectful, it means that you are not endangering the balance of your lashes with heavy or toxic metals that can cause them to fall out.

ZARULI is an eyeliner that is easily removed with any organic makeup remover solution. It is in contact with the surface of the false eyelashes that the air vacuum is created, which allows them to hold on their own.

To remove it, it is therefore childish.

Like removing a suction cup, you just need to let in even a small amount of air and presto, the rest is removed effortlessly. So here's how to do it in 3 small steps:

1/ Slide the false eyelash towards the outside of the eyelid

When your false eyelash sticks out a millimeter or two, all you have to do is pull lightly from the outer part as if you were removing a plaster. You will have the pleasant feeling of not having pain and of having removed your false eyelashes in a few seconds.

2/ Store your false eyelashes

One of the many advantages of the ZARULI system is that it leaves your false eyelashes in good condition. Unlike magnetic eyelashes which end up with eyeliner because the force of the magnets is too strong, here the eyeliner stays on your eyelid. So you can carefully store your false eyelashes in a small box to protect them without needing to clean them for many minutes.

3/ Remove your makeup as usual

Since the ZARULI system allows you to attach any false eyelash without glue, your eyelids are healthy and easy to remove makeup. ZARULI is a simple eyeliner stroke. It can therefore be removed as is with your usual makeup remover solution. It also removes very easily with microfiber wipes and water, without using any product. Thanks to ZARULI, putting on false eyelashes won't take you any more time than if you didn't.

You have done well to adopt the new false eyelash technology compatible with all organic makeup removers that respect the well-being of your eyes.

With ZARULI, wearing false eyelashes is no longer just reserved for special occasions like weddings or baptisms. You can finally adopt an intense look every day in the blink of an eye.

Don't run out of ZARULI eyeliner and renew your order without delay through the store.

See you soon for new bio-té tips!


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